Criminal defense | Joseph Bogen Tue, 28 May 2024 17:18:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Criminal defense | Joseph Bogen 32 32 Second chances: Juvenile vs. Adult probation in Texas Tue, 28 May 2024 17:18:42 +0000 If you’re the parent of a teenager navigating Texas’ juvenile justice system, you’ll be relieved to know that your child will likely be treated differently than an adult offender. This distinct treatment applies to everything, including probation. The justice system offers probation as a second chance for offenders who don’t need to be incarcerated. The process facilitates an offender’s reintegration…

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How the exclusionary rule could lead to dismissed charges Mon, 29 Apr 2024 22:25:39 +0000 Texas prosecutors usually only pursue criminal charges in cases where they have strong evidence to present. A prosecutor typically believes that they can prove someone’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt when they pursue criminal allegations against the defendant. Those accused of serious crimes often panic because they worry about the prospect of a trial. Even if they still maintain their…

The post How the exclusionary rule could lead to dismissed charges first appeared on Joseph Bogen.

Understanding Texas’s “Failure to Identify” law Fri, 05 Apr 2024 11:09:23 +0000 If you’re stopped by police, whether in your vehicle or anywhere else, it can be a stressful and even frightening experience. Partially due to the panic that a traffic stop can inspire, when an officer starts asking questions, some people say too much. Others err on the side of not saying anything or complying at all. They may be vaguely…

The post Understanding Texas’s “Failure to Identify” law first appeared on Joseph Bogen.

Possible defense strategies for assault charges Wed, 06 Mar 2024 14:42:29 +0000 In Texas, defending against an assault conviction involves understanding the various circumstances under which an individual may justifiably commit an act that would otherwise be considered assault. The definition of assault in Texas is fairly broad. It encompasses everything from intentional threats to knowingly causing harm to another. Anyone who’s charged with assault should evaluate their options for a defense…

The post Possible defense strategies for assault charges first appeared on Joseph Bogen.

When can Texas police officers lawfully search a vehicle for drugs? Sun, 04 Feb 2024 16:45:30 +0000 Most people involved in a traffic stop just expect a police officer to write them a ticket. However, the situation might quickly spiral out of control and lead to someone’s arrest. In situations where police officers suspect someone of a drug offense, they might attempt to search the vehicle. Depending on what they find, they could place someone under arrest…

The post When can Texas police officers lawfully search a vehicle for drugs? first appeared on Joseph Bogen.

Keeping your Miranda rights in mind: The basics Fri, 05 Jan 2024 14:58:48 +0000 Individual Miranda rights is a fundamental concern of the American legal system that’s relevant to anyone involved in a situation involving law enforcement. These rights, named after the landmark Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona, play a crucial role in protecting the constitutional rights of individuals during police interrogations. The Miranda decision stemmed from the case of Ernesto Miranda. He…

The post Keeping your Miranda rights in mind: The basics first appeared on Joseph Bogen.

The police can generally lie to you Wed, 01 Nov 2023 12:50:19 +0000 Some people assume that police officers have an obligation to be honest. That doesn’t mean that they don’t make mistakes, but that they don’t intentionally lie to suspects. After all, the police may ask (or demand) that people tell the truth when conducting an interrogation. Suspects often believe it is a two-way street, where both sides are required to be…

The post The police can generally lie to you first appeared on Joseph Bogen.

Tips for talking to the police Fri, 29 Sep 2023 18:45:51 +0000 When interacting with the police, whether you are a witness, a suspect or just someone who is seeking information, it’s important to be respectful and cooperative while also protecting your rights. This can be a difficult balance to achieve. On top of that, interactions with the police can be highly stressful. Thankfully, keeping a few tips for effectively communicating with…

The post Tips for talking to the police first appeared on Joseph Bogen.

Do the police want to hear your side of the story? Tue, 25 Jul 2023 13:07:22 +0000 Police officers can be tricky, if not outright manipulative, when trying to get what they want from individuals. Officers may pressure people into waiving their rights and allowing unwarranted searches. They can also trick and manipulate people into implicating themselves or confessing to a crime during discussions and questioning. Officers often try to seem sympathetic as a means of getting…

The post Do the police want to hear your side of the story? first appeared on Joseph Bogen.

3 times people can respond to charges with self-defense claims Wed, 28 Jun 2023 10:32:58 +0000 As a general rule, it is against the law to engage in any behavior intended to harm or intimidate others. Those involved in a physical altercation will often find themselves arrested and facing prosecution. Charges ranging from simple assault to aggravated assault and even homicide could result from an incident in which someone has instigated violence but these charges can…

The post 3 times people can respond to charges with self-defense claims first appeared on Joseph Bogen.
